Friday, April 20, 2012

Today I went to the beach. It was 95 degrees at home so I was thinking the beach would be perfect. Wrong it was overcast and awkwardly humid/cold. I love the beach though do its ok. :) sorry in on my iPod so this post is unorganized and full of typos haha.

I'm using a blogger app and it seems pretty easy to use. Yay. I've been wanting to do outfit posts and it will be easier now.

The last picture is a pic I took swinging high on a swing. I love swinging. I don't care that I'm seventeen. :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

State graphics

Some state graphics I did while being bored. :)

I'm not really satisfied with the Arizona one..still working on a better one. :)

Original graphic design


Welcome to Arizona sign. :)

Color splashed heart.

I love Arizona!

Taken on my trip to Arizona! :)